
Events in the Philippines

The Philippines is a country full of culture and history. For centuries it has witnessed great events that captured the whole world’s attention – events that happened in different areas within the Philippine archipelago.

Each of these places has their own distinct qualities, influenced by their history and foreigner traders. With these historical events and adaptation to foreign cultures, Filipinos created a unique personality that distinguished them from the world or even from their neighboring Philippine Islands.

These unique personalities are similar to that of jigsaw puzzle pieces – put together, they make up the image of the Philippines as the rest of the world sees it.

Every island has its own history, how it develops and how it came to be. It has been a tradition to the Filipinos to celebrate and give honor to the history of their respected island. No matter how unique and different each island from the other, they always play the same beat. A beat of fun, happiness and praise, beat of a true Filipino.

Cebu – The queen city of the south, a progressive and booming city with a strategic business location, Cebu is a melting pot for culture and business. Consider as the center for business and trading industry that serve as a bridge to other island within the Visayas. It is host to various local and internationally-rewcognized events that have captivated audiences from all over the world.

Colorful festivals in honor of its patron saint, celebrations that draw both the young, the old to the streets and even foreigner, exhibits that reveal the multi-faceted Cebuanos’ skills and talents, and conventions that captivate anyone regardless of their social status are just a few of the wonders that one will get to experience in Cebu.

Event is not just a celebration but it is also a form of gathering where different people meet and learn more things about each culture.


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