
Their crime ....? they are not jewish.

Hundreds of children of migrant workers in Israel are facing deportation, as part of a government effort to preserve the Jewish character of the state.

Under a stringent set of criteria approved by Israel’s cabinet, children must have studied in an Israeli school in the past year, and their parents must have entered Israel with a legal visa or permit for them to be allowed to stay.

But many Israelis have criticized the rules, arguing that any civilized democracy should give rights and protection to children born in its territory.

Al Jazeera’s Jacky Rowland reports from Tel Aviv.

[Angry protests have taken place in Tel Aviv against the planned deportation of four hundred children of immigrant workers. Born in Israel and speaking Hebrew, the youngsters were never given citizenship because their parents are not Israeli or Jewish. Many people are questioning the government's drive to preserve what it calls 'the Jewish character of the state'.]

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